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France Moves Ahead With Tighter Crypto Rules for New Entrants

New entrants to the French market will face stricter regulations, but existing players will have more time to comply.

Use of mobile phone extraction tools by law enforcement in Argentina

Our partners, Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (ADC), have recently published their research on the use of mobile phone extraction tools by the police and judicial authorities in Argentina.

Telecom data of over 74 million US citizens leaked since January 1

Six attacks have happened since January 1, 2023, where threat actors breached US telecom providers or their partners

Encrypted emails are constantly rising

66% of Tutanota emails are end-to-end encrypted

How a company illegally exploited the data of 14 million mothers and babies

ow a company illegally exploited the data of 14 million mothers and babies

C programming language removes racist semicolon

Just kidding :)